Talking Points: Wk 3
September 12th, 2024
The more we embody the platform of God’s kingdom, the more we can expect to face persecution....  Read More
by Dr. Marty Dunbar
Talking Points: Wk 2
September 9th, 2024
Kingdoms will rise and fall, but the Law of Christ endures. It is possible to disagree politically and love unconditionally....  Read More
by Dr. Marty Dunbar
Talking Points: Wk 1
September 3rd, 2024
Church, arise. Our unity is not just about us; it’s about showing the world who Jesus is. The love of Christ in action, cast your vote for that. Let that be your political mission....  Read More
by Dr. Marty Dunbar
Everything is Awesome: Part 4
August 27th, 2024
Just as we wouldn’t start building a house without a solid foundation, we can’t build our faith without the right materials. Our doctrine outlines five key elements that form the foundation of a healt...  Read More
by Dr. Marty Dunbar
Everything is Awesome: Part 3
August 19th, 2024
At John Wesley Methodist Church (JWMC), we unapologetically stand on these foundational bricks while welcoming all, recognizing that we are all “sinning saints" on a journey of grace....  Read More
by Dr. Marty Dunbar
Everything is Awesome: Part 2
August 13th, 2024
Deconstruction must never end with de-conversation. ...  Read More
by Dr. Marty Dunbar
Everything is Awesome: Part 1
August 4th, 2024
Jesus of Nazareth provides the world with the clearest revelation of God’s character and love. He is the visible image of the invisible, loving God....  Read More
by Dr. Marty Dunbar
Summer Together: Connecting
July 27th, 2024
Is being part of a church family perfect all the time?That's a resounding no! Will there be friction, drama, or even hurt feelings?At some point, yes. But that’s true of any organization, whether it’s...  Read More
by Chris McCarthy
A Pastoral Response to Butler
July 14th, 2024
To all Americans, we must prevail over fear and discord. To fellow Christians and people of faith, let's work together to build a stronger, more united nation even if the enemy seeks to kill and destr...  Read More
by Dr. Marty Dunbar
Hurricane Beryl Update
July 13th, 2024
Here are the latest updates on happenings and possible responses to the current situation facing all of us due to Hurricane Beryl....  Read More
by Dr. Marty Dunbar
Summer Together: Burden-Bearing
July 7th, 2024
Remember, the cooler is too heavy for one person. Together, with God’s strength and each other’s support, we can bear the burdens of life....  Read More
by Dr. Marty Dunbar
Summer Together: United
July 1st, 2024
Being united together in Christ is filled with purpose, power, and faithfulness. ...  Read More
by Dr. Marty Dunbar



