Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

The people of John Wesley Church are very active both in our community and beyond.

Our Missions Committee consists of a team leader and 21 team members. The Missions Committee meets monthly to review current and past projects and to plan for upcoming mission opportunities.


Let's get out and make a difference this summer!
With the recent hurricane, many of us are still recovering from the disruption our daily lives. Our church and community is also attempting to get back to normal. Therefore, we will be having a shortened version of Missions on the Move.
On Friday morning, July 19, we will gather at Hope Center Houston for a worship service. Pastor Trish will be giving the sermon as our church members serve as greeters. For those interested in joining, please contact Tricia Wagner at twagner@jwchurch.org.

Have questions? Want to get involved?

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.